Ninja Birthday Party for Landon in Cranford, New Jersey

Written by: Jenna Sheppard
Posted On: September 11, 2021

Bostaffs, nunchucks, katans and crane kicks were just some of the elements of this ninja birthday party. The party kicked off with the birthday ninja requesting a super quiet whisper when we wished him happy birthday. Because you know ninjas must be all quiet and stealth like.

Getting our Ninja Birthday Party Started

Once we assigned our ninja’s to their team and finished with the pleasantries, our ninja’s were given their first ninja ribbon. These ribbons were attached to their ninja wristbands and are central to the overarching storyline of the ninja adventure party. The first game had them trying to steal the other teams ribbons while simultaneously keeping their own ribbons safe. Our ninjas were running, jumping, dodging and diving to get and keep from getting each others ribbons. There were some pretty fancy and elusive moves made!

Ninja Birthday Party Ninja Ribbon Game
Ninjas-in-training chasing and avoiding each other to earn their Ninja ribbons!

The Ninja Birthday Party’s Most Popular Game

After all our ninjas circled through the activity several times we moved onto our popular Reach the Temple game. This game has our ninja birthday party guests trying to enter the Evil Ninja’s temple to earn their next ninja ribbon. The game progresses children from simply entering and exiting the temple all the way through to more advanced mechanics. As children grasp each new instruction and complete each task they continue to build on what they learn. Until finally mastering a specific skill within the temple that awards them their final ribbon.

Ninja Bop’ems!

When all the ninjas have earned their final ribbon they are able to face off with the ninja bop’ems! The kids absolutely love this part of the ninja birthday party as they get to take an assortment of weapons (inflatable and foam) to fight against our ninja bop’ems.

Ninja Birthday Party Bop'em Ninja
One of our Ninjas-in-trianing taking it to the Bop’em Ninja!

Puzzle Box Time

To finish the ninja birthday party adventure off, our ninjas were then asked to reach a level of zen by calming down, and using their minds to help solve a series of puzzle boxes that the Evil Ninja had left for them.

Once our ninjas had worked through the array of puzzles, our Evil Ninja presented himself (the birthday boys dad). Armed and blindfolded we were all treated to a final showdown with the newly trained ninja birthday boy. It was quite the battle!

Landon and his friend were treated to something extra special this weekend because we not only provided this epic party entertainment, but we also handled the party decor and favors.

If you would like to contact us to throw a Ninja Adventure Birthday Party for your child, you can book it now or check out all of our birthday party themes. We can’t wait to go on a *stealthy* adventure with your kiddos.

Stay Adventurous!

Jenna Sheppard